The espresso bar in Italy is a wonderful thing. Perfect in the morning for a quick cafe (espresso) and a tramazzino (a little panini with ham, cheese, and a whole other assortment of fillings). Equally well positioned in the afternoon. Everybody has their bar. One on the way to work, one during siesta, one on the way home for an aperitivo. And needless to say, the espresso is phenomenal, deliciously roasted, perfectly pulled, and quite simply lacking in pretension. We've got a long way to go in the States.
This little cup of magic is called a Caffé Granita found at La Casa Del Caffé Tazza D'oro in Rome. Shaved espresso, sugar, and Chantilly whipped cream served in a little to-go cup to cool you down, speed you up, and warm your heart. I ❤ Roma.